The Western branch of the Association for the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor was established in April 2017 as the Japanese Armor Society.
Our aim is to make it easier for non-Japanese speaking armor enthusiasts to become a member of the more than 59 year old Japanese Armor Association (
Information in English about armor exhibitions, symposia and research meetings, and new book publications will be available and distributed to members. Also the quarterly magazine will be partially translated in English, and that will open a new world of information that was up until now only available in Japan. While we will increase the flow of information in both directions, we are also convinced that it will become much easier to form new personal relationships between Japanese and non-Japanese collectors and researchers.
The Association for the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor (Nihon Katchu Bugu Kenkyu Hozon Kai – NKBKHK) was established in 1961 with the research and preservation of ancient Japanese Samurai Armor as its main purpose.
All levels of armor are studied: from the mass-produced ashigaru equipment to the sumptuous daimyo armor.
Since 2015, attracting foreign members started, with a bi-lingual website, English abstracts and a translation project for the Japanese magazine.
In 2016, Jo Anseeuw was appointed as a director of the NKBKHK, and was tasked to focus on foreign members and relations. In october 2016, Jo Anseeuw and Luc Taelman were asked by Mr Nagata, President of the Katchukai, to start a Western branch.
Consequently, the western branch of the association (in short: the Japanese Armor Society) was established in early 2017.
The board members of this new branch of the Japanese Armor Society include:
Luc Taelman President of the Western Branch, board member of the NKBKHK
John Wee Tom Vice President of the Western Branch, board member of the NKBKHK
Bas Verberk Doctor Japanology, curator of the Koln museum of East-Asian Arts.
Paul Gill Coordinator Yearbook
Uwe Sacklowski Secretary and accounting
Jo Anseeuw Liaison officer and director of the NKBKHK
Giuseppe Piva Online projects
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